The answer is we treat all types of conditions from Allergies, common colds, sleep problems, to mental health, cardiovascular disease, thyroid problems, autoimmunity, and diabetes.
Naturopathic Doctors are skilled primary care physicians. We are trained in prevention. Our job is to find out why you have a certain ailment or disease and use therapies that support your body to heal on it's own. Let's take cardiovascular disease for instance. The reason for high blood pressure is not a deficiency in Lisionpril or Metoprolol but it means your heart is doing more work than it should be to pump blood to the rest of your body. A reason for this may be that is does not have the right nutrients available to contact and relax properly like calcium and magnesium. It may be that you are stressed all the time, and stress makes your blood pressure raise up, meaning we need to correct the stress! Other influences are excess weight putting pressure on the heart and other organs to do their job. Correcting the weight will help improve blood pressure. While some of our therapies will require you to do some work and participate in your health, we are garunteeing that by participating and taking care of yourself-your quality of life will improve and you will live longer.